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Dear Saints in Ministry,
I am particularly excited for this year’s Central South District Leadership event. Our theme, “Finding the Kingdom Among the Poor,” is at the heart of the gospel and one of our denomination’s areas of focus. I am so pleased to have Larry James as our keynote speaker. His Dallas-area ministry, “CitySquare,” is mak-ing a difference and is a model for doing ministry with the poor. I just finished reading his book, “The Wealth of the Poor.” I recommend it for your reading. Our community of Houston has such a need for people of faith to unite in ministry with our poor.
This event is a great way to unite our district around this purpose and to get off to a fresh start for the new year. As always, my prayer is that the Spirit would open our hearts and minds for the ways that we can actively participate in His kingdom-making activities.
Pay close attention to the descriptions of the workshops in this book and choose the one that will best equip you to meet the goals you have for the coming year.
I look forward to seeing you at the conference!
In the Peace of Christ,
Rev. Andy Noel
District Superintendent